School Lunches
School Meals
Our school meals are provided by education specialist providers, Caterlink. Caterlink are proud of their food heritage which demonstrates our commitment to the quality of meals we serve. They are committed to sourcing ingredients with assured provenance from local and regional suppliers in every kitchen we work in. We use produce with high standards of animal welfare – for example, Red Tractor meat, RSPCA assured free range eggs, Marine Stewardship Approved (MSC) fish and a range of fair trade produce.
For further information about Caterlink's approach, visit their website here:

Our kitchen team work very hard to ensure that the children enjoy their school lunches. As a result, most of our children eat a school lunch with the rest bringing lunch boxes.
Every day there is a choice of main meals - including a vegetarian option. The lunch menu also includes a sandwich option. In addition to this, there is a salad bar with homemade bread. The menu runs on a three-weekly cycle.
An example menu
How can I order a school meal?
We encourage meals to be ordered at home. This saves valuable time in school and means children can begin learning when they enter school, rather than having to order meals. Also, children tend to like knowing what they are having for lunch, and deciding at home with grown-ups can be more reassuring.
School lunches are ordered and paid for online via Parentpay..
Is my child entitled to a free school meal?
From September 2014 all children in Upper Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal as part of the new government universal meals initiative. Children from Years 3 to 6 have to pay for their meal unless they fit the free school meal criteria. Please see the Free School Meal tab for more detailed information.
What happens if my child has an allergy or special diet requirement?
Children requiring a special diet due to an allergy are individually catered for. Please request an allergy form from the office if you think your child may need a special diet.
What should my child have in their packed lunch?
A sandwich/wrap option is available everyday on the school menu. School therefore encourages parents to opt for this as a cost-effective option. However, should you wish your child to have a packed lunch from home, we would encouraged to bring a well-balance, healthy lunchbox. Packed lunches are a cold option. Unfortunately for health and safety reasons, children are not allowed a hot food option in their packed lunch, (e.g. soup in a flask) Water is provided for all children, meaning additional drinks in packed lunches are not required.
For further top tips or inspiring ideas, scan the QR code.
How does school encourage healthy eating?
We appreciate the importance of your child eating a well-balanced lunch that they enjoy, and promote healthy eating as part of our curriculum.
Dane Royd is proud to have gained the ‘Eat Well Award’ for its provision of nutritious, healthy food at lunchtimes. This award is an initiative of the 'Change 4 Life' programme.