Happy, Healthy, Safe
Welcome to our PSHE and RSE page!
I am Mrs Tyzack and I am the PSHE Leader in school.
PSHE is important to me because I believe it gives children the key building blocks to be happy and safe. It is then that children and young people reach their full potential. Happy children learn best.

Mrs Tyzack

Intent - Why is PSHE important for our children?
Our children are growing up in an ever-changing world, and it is our job to equip them with the skills to live healthy, safe and happy lives. The new RSE curriculum puts in place the building blocks of healthy and respectful relationships and friendships, including online and safe relationships. Mental health, including feelings of loneliness, bullying, prejudice and discrimination will also help and support our children to take care of themselves and know where to turn for support and guidance.
It is important for our children to feel unique, to understand and celebrate difference, to challenge stereotypes and to be proud of their personal identity. They need to be prepared for the next steps in life and the changes that come with growing up, such as feelings, physical growth, increased independence and how to deal with transition.
As a school, we have invested in the Jigsaw scheme and adapted it to meet the needs of all children in our school. Jigsaw holds children at its heart, and its cohesive vision helps children understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the world. With strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health, Jigsaw 3-11 properly equips schools to deliver engaging and relevant PSHE within a whole-school approach. Jigsaw lessons also include mindfulness allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration, focus and self-regulation.
Implement - How will our children learn?
The PSHE curriculum at Dane Royd has been planned carefully to ensure all children build on their PSHE knowledge and skills year on year. Teachers follow the Jigsaw PSHE scheme to help aid their planning. We have invested in the online portal to
Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE, is a whole-school teaching and learning programme for PSHE/RSHE that includes assemblies, integrates our resilience-building toolkit, and provides ongoing support and training for teachers and a Parent Portal. Designed as a whole-school approach, Jigsaw PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) provides consistency and progression that gives teachers confidence to deliver high-quality, age-appropriate PSHE lessons equipping children to be healthy, happy and learn well. Not only does Jigsaw meet all statutory RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education) requirements, but it builds the positive, inclusive and caring ethos of the school and elevates educational outcomes by empowering children’s self-regulation, emotional literacy and self-belief. Jigsaw PSHE makes a significant contribution to personal development, SMSC, British Values, the Equality Duty, Safeguarding, but most importantly it keeps children at its very heart.
Six half termly themes are planned and delivered to engage and enthuse children's learning, whilst taking into consideration their previous learning and how to move them further on in their learning. Our PSHE Progression Map demonstrates the skills we would expect our children to learn over their time at Dane Royd.
At Dane Royd, PSHE is taught weekly with a different focus for each half term which the whole school follow together at the appropriate level. Class teachers deliver PSHE lessons and are guided in their planning and choice of resources by the PSHE lead. Teachers carefully plan each lesson, taking into account the needs of their own class to ensure the content delivered is appropriate. In Early Years, planning aligns with the National Early Years Framework. Children with SEND are supported during PSHE lessons to work towards the same objective with appropriate support and scaffolding in place.
Through a carefully planned progressive curriculum, teachers plan engaging topics which they think that will inspire, challenge and motivate children to learn. There is a two-year rolling programme in which children’s skills and knowledge are embedded and developed during their time at Dane Royd.
The subject leader provides guidance and CPD for teachers around current developments and changes within PSHE to ensure teachers’ knowledge is relevant and up to date. At the start of each puzzle, teachers are directed to consider the upcoming content to support them in feeling confident in their subject knowledge.

ensure we have the most up-to-date, relevant resources to equip our young people with the knowledge and skills to stay healthy and keep safe.
The Jigsaw philosophy is about valuing and respecting every individual for who they are, and empowering them to be happy, healthy and compassionate human beings, international citizens with agency. This vision aligns with our school values and builds the strong foundations for our young people to achieve and go on to succeed in the wider world.

Our PSHE Curriculum Overview

How do we support children who need additional help with their mental health and social and emotional needs?
As a school, we fully recognise the importance of children feeling secure emotionally and mentally. We have invested in on-going CPD for staff in school to enable them to fully support children, staff and our families.

Health Lead
Miss Kelly
Health Lead
Mrs Hemingway
Health Lead
Mrs Kendall
Health and Trauma Lead
Mr Davison

As a first point of contact, where a child is identified as needing some additional social and emotional support, the Mental Health Team will discuss how trained staff in school can best support the young person. This may include check-ins with a trusted adult, worry and anxiety work, one-to-one support and small group work. Where school recognises additional support is needed, then they will work alongside the Local Authorities FIM team to plan in some therapeutic support for the young person and where appropriate, family.

All school staff have had training on what life events have the potential to cause trauma and how this trauma may present in a child's behaviour and presentation at school. We aware that not all trauma is known and not all trauma presents the same from child to child. Where trauma is known, or behaviour communicates a potential difficulty, staff will act quickly to support through assigning an 'Emotionally Available Adult' and ensuring that support is given through the use of a 'Supporting me to Thrive Plan'. can provided further information about the training that school staff have received.
For further information specifically about mental health and well-being, please see our dedicated page with additional resources and signposts to local agencies.
Impact - What is achieved through our PSHE Curriculum?
Teachers continually assess children’s understanding. In addition to this, at the end of each lesson children self-assess against the key learning intentions using a thumbs up/down to indicate where they feel their level of understanding is.
At the end of each Jigsaw unit of work, there is an assessment lesson where children demonstrate their learning through a carefully planned activity. This then allows teachers to ascertain children’s overall understanding of the topic of learning and plan the next steps in children’s learning.
Through the themes studied, our PSHE curriculum enables children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. They understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are all part of growing up.
We provide our children with opportunities to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are encouraged to be global citizens; developing their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life, the wider community and the wider world.

What do our children like about PSHE?
I love the Calm Me time in the sessions. It really helps me to focus my thoughts.
Savannah Y4
I enjoy sharing my thoughts and feelings in these sessions. I really feel listened to.
Sophia Y5
I know who I can talk to in school if I ever have any worries. I like doing the star breathing to help me when I feel worried.
Harriet Y2