The school uses a service provider called ParentPay to provide e-mail and text communication with parents as well as for payments of school meals, educational visits and additional activities such as PTFA events. The company is a nationally renowned company who connect schools and parents via texts, e-mails and a dedicated app. The school delivers as many of our communications as possible via ParentPay and in particular replaces printed newsletters with e-mailed letters.
Parentpay enable our cashless catering system. Meals are able to be pre-ordered by parents and paid for online.
ParentPay texting is not a free service. It is subscription based with added costs for a variety of services. For example, each text is charged to the school. However, we are able to send e-mails without cost.
We hope that you find this move to electronic communication helpful.
If any parents are not receiving our newsletters by e-mail or think they are not registered to receive text messages they should send their updated mobile number into the school office along with the e-mail address / addresses that they would want any communication sent to.
Our admin team will be happy to assist you in setting this up.