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Dane Royd musicians;

Welcome to our Music page!

I am Mrs McNally and I am the Music Leader in school.

Music has always been a passion and hobby of mine so being able to see children enjoy music at Dane Royd is a real pleasure. Music has a way of letting us express ourselves and we can share our enjoyment together. From the end of term concerts to Young Voices to Christmas Productions to our weekly music lessons Dane Royd really show the love of music we have.


Mrs McNally
Music Lead

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Welcome to our Music page!

I am Miss Kelly and I am the Music Leader in school whilst Mrs McNally is on maternity leave.

Ensuring that the children at Dane Royd School have opportunities to become musicians is a fundamental belief in our school.  My Nana was a piano teacher, she played the piano for school assemblies in the first school where I was a teacher in South Shields as we didn't have a pianist. She instilled in me the appreciation of music, I am proud to carry on the family tradition. 


Miss Kelly
Music Lead

Intent - Why is Music important for our children?

At Dane Royd, we carefully plan a progressive music curriculum that inspires and engages pupils to develop a love of music and develop children’s talents as musicians. As musicians, we want our children to be able to be self-confident, creative and have a sense of achievement when composing musical pieces. We believe that children who learn music at any level learn self- discipline, expression through sound, fine motor skills, further develop problem solving skills and learn how to ignite the creative and critical mind.

At Dane Royd we believe that a high-quality music curriculum inspires children to want to become better musicians. Music lessons improve listening skills, encourages creativity and fosters team work. At Dane Royd we ensure that music is for everyone, that it is fun and that the lessons are educational building blocks. We want to ensure that music isn’t just for primary school, it is for life.

Implement -  How will our children learn?

We deliver a carefully planned progressive-curriculum, teachers plan engaging topics which they think will inspire, challenge and motivate children to learn. There is a two year rolling programme in which children’s skills and knowledge are embedded and developed during their time at Dane Royd. Our music curriculum is created from the Kapow music scheme. Our subject lead has a first class honours degree in music, is a musician herself having played nationally and internationally. The subject leader has used her specialist knowledge alongside the Kapow scheme to develop a curriculum which connects all the inter-related dimensions of music across the children’s time at Dane Royd.

We follow a two-year rolling programme. Kapow's music scheme takes a holistic approach, in which individual strands are interwoven to create an engaging and enriching learning experience. Over the course of the scheme, children will be taught how to sing fluently and expressively, and play tuned and untuned instruments accurately and with control. They will use their knowledge of the interrelated dimensions in their own improvisations and compositions.

Children in Key Stage 1 and Upper Key Stage 2 are taught music weekly by our music specialist. Lower Key Stage 2 are taught music by a specialist from the music service which includes learning to play the ukulele.  Every child will have two-years free tuition in playing the ukulele. Children in EYFS have music lessons embedded into the EYFS curriculum.


These ‘first access’ lessons often provide a great launch into small group lessons for many budding young musicians. These fun lessons also include singing, musical games and rhythm work and help to develop the young person as a whole.

In addition to these lessons, the whole school have a half termly focus on an inter-related dimension; this includes Nursery and Upper Foundation Stage. Sessions focus on embedding the knowledge of the inter-related dimensions, feeding the theme into the weekly music lessons where children can listen and appreciate hearing the dimension across a range of music cultures and genres.



































How do we enrich the curriculum?

As well as National Curriculum music lessons, at Dane Royd, we have a range of peripatetic group and individual lessons. These include brass, woodwind, strings and guitar. These are available for children in Year 3 upwards. These lessons allow children to progress at their own pace, along with their peers. They then have performance opportunities throughout the year as part of assemblies and musical concerts to play pieces to an audience. Please speak to the office if your child is interested in starting lessons.

For children in UFS and KS1 they have the opportunity to learn to play in a band through the Rock Steady Programme. This programme is proven to progress musicianship, confidence and teamwork skills with no prior experience necessary. These children also get regular performance opportunities to show what they have learnt to their parents and their peers. To sign your child up please go to 

Children in Key Stage 2, who learn to play an instrument through Wakefield Music Service, are able to attend the school orchestra club held on a Monday after school. This is led by a teacher from the music service along side Mrs Bond, an experienced music teacher. 

Outside of the class music lessons, Mrs McNally, our music co-ordinator, holds weekly singing assemblies for the whole school. These assemblies focus on singing together as a school, boosting positivity and enable children to learn a wide range of songs from hymns to pop songs. The assembly also has time for listening and appreciation of music both the past and present by listening to our artist of the month.

Children from Year 1 through to Year 6 are invited to be part of the school choir. They rehearse weekly, during the school day, to prepare for concerts, competitions and events within the local community. Singing in a choir is good for children emotionally, physically and socially. At Dane Royd our choir is ever growing as are the opportunities that come with it. Highlights for the children are being able to take part in the Young Voices Concert in Manchester Arena as well as competing against other school choirs in local music festivals. 

For children in Key Stage Two they can also be part of ocarina club. A weekly lunchtime club that allows children to learn a new instrument along with their peers in a safe, fun and friendly environment. 

Our Music Curriculum Overview



Impact - What will we achieve with our music curriculum?

At Dane Royd our music curriculum, as well as music activities, enable the children to become performers of the future. They are confident to follow their dreams and build upon what they have learnt and experienced at primary school. Children leave with an appreciation and enjoyment of a range of music from all around the world, past and present.

Our partner high school recognises the quality of our music progression with many of our pupils continuing to learn and instrument at high school, joining vocal and instrumental groups and enjoying the international performance opportunities available through these groups.

What do our children like about Music?

“I love learning to play the recorder.”

                    Isla - Year 1

"I love looking at and learning how to play the more challenging music in guitar lessons with Mr Wells."

                        Charlie - Year 6

“Music makes me feel happy!”

                    Amelia - Year 2

"I enjoy learning how to play Harry Potter in my flute lessons."

                   Freya - Year 6

"I love rocking out to our ‘Artist of the Month’. I can hear different instruments."

                         Seb - UFS

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