Alcorac Henriquez Primary School
In the summer of 2022 Miss Kelly arranged for Dane Royd School to have a new international link school. Miss Kelly met with the Headmaster of the school, José Ignacio and the two Headteachers made a plan for the two schools to work together.
The first part of the plan is for the two schools to exchange art work and Christmas cards.
Mrs Hanam our MFL Teacher, is leading a Spanish club in school and this group will write to our new link school.
We will then plan for classes to set up curriculum exchanges in both countries.
The Headteachers shared the expertise that each school holds and there are plans for the schools to support each other in providing training opportunities for school staff.
We hope to have international professional development opportunities for staff and also to mirror our hugely successful programme with our Chinese link schools and develop pupil and parent visits so that our children can experience school life in a different country and to be able to compare and contrast our cultural similarities and differences.

The School is located in San Juan. San Juan is a district of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Las Palmas is the capital city. San Juan is famous for the colourful hill side houses and often features in guide books. The school logo features the picturesque location of the school.

The School Staff

The Primary school is very proud of the specialist teachers and staff that it employs. There is a speech therapist and counselor employed at the school as well as teachers with a specialism in music, Catholic education, science and physical education. The school is currently undertaking specialist projects including broadcast radio, a health project and an environmental project. The school has an exciting programme they are focusing on a communicative competence project. We wish the school well and look forward to exchanging professional dialogue following these research projects. Both Headteachers are excited about the opportunities for professional learning that this link school partnership will bring.
We look forward to welcoming José Ignacio, the Headteacher to Dane Royd soon.