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Welcome to Key Stage 1


KS1 Lead - Mrs McNally

Welcome to Key Stage One's updates page. My name is Mrs McNally and I am the KS1 Lead. I am either found either singing or running around school, both of these hobbies are passions of mine. I hope you find this page useful and a good source of information aimed at Year 1 and Year 2. Please do not hesitate to contact me on if you have any queries.  

KS1 Curriculum Booklets


Summer 2 
· Monday 10th-14th June—Book Fayre
· Wednesday 19th June —Year 1 Summer Class Assembly
· Friday 28th June—PTFA Colour Run
· Tuesday 2nd July—Sports Day (Aô€…Œernoon)
· Friday 5th July—Rock Steady Concert
· Thursday 11th July—Summer Concert and The Big Lunch
· Friday 12th July—KS1 Visit to Filey (leô€†©er to follow)
· Friday 19th July—School Closes for Summer
· Monday 2nd September—INSET Day—School Closed
· Tuesday 3rd September—School Re-Opens

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