Our Curriculum Vision

A community school with a global vision
Mrs Kendall
Curriculum Lead
I am so proud of the curriculum we offer at Dane Royd. I always wanted to be a primary teacher from a very young age, and I think part of the reason for this was due to the amazing experience I had at Primary school! My wish is that children at Dane Royd feel the same about their primary education and make many happy memories thorugh the carefully planned curriculum which staff at Dane Royd work so hard to deliver to allow for the best learning opportunities for our children.

Dane Royd PUPILS;
We want our children to understand the rich heritage of the world; to be a positive member of their community and to become skilled citizens who have self-belief, passion and empathy for the world in which they live.
We want our children to have a sound knowledge of the world in which they live and the history which has made the world what it is today.
We want every child to succeed in their own way. Successful learning means enabling every individual – regardless of background, race, gender, disability, sexuality or socioeconomic status – to flourish in our school. To allow our young people to reach their highest potential, we must meet the needs of being human on every level – physical, emotionally, spiritual, social, linguistic and cognitive. Our curriculum will help our children learn about themselves, others and the world. Our children and staff will feel like they belong to the Dane Royd community and are valued.
We want our children and staff to be proud of their school. By following our school values, children will build a respectful, dynamic and inclusive school community where everyone’s achievements are celebrated.
Our values will be lived out of school - where children respect and are proud of their local community. Children will be aware of the locality’s historical success and Wakefield’s aspirations to regenerate the city.
Our carefully planned, ambitious curriculum will make children enthused for learning and be happy to come to school. We want our children to be future-ready by equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to achieve; to achieve their aspirations.
In addition, we want children to be safe. Through key life skills lessons, children will take these key learning opportunities with them forward in life.
We want our children to become proud global citizens; making a positive difference to the world and to build their place in it. For that to happen, we need to ask, ‘What kind of people will make the world a better place?’ This journey begins with us, as educators. What happens in childhood – and how we respond to it – is the model for future lives. How we train and develop mindsets, capabilities and outlooks, makes the children the adults they become, and the world in which they will live in.

Our Curriculum Aims

A school which has children and learning at the heart of everything we do
A school where moral, social, spiritual, and cultural development underpins academic achievement
Inspirational learning opportunities which build skills for life
An inclusive, bold and courageous curriculum which provides a range of opportunities in which to participate and excel, within and beyond the school day
A culture that enthuses and empowers everyone to extend their own learning
A listening school where children and adults know their views are important, respected and acted upon
A warm, positive environment where we value effort, recognise success and celebrate achievements at all levels
A sense of team where all feel valued and respected
A school which nurtures and encourages a life-long love for learning

Our Curriculum Plans