On each classes page you will find their Twitter feed. Classes are keen to share with parents and family members all of the exciting learning that happens in school. We actively encourage family members to follow our class Twitter pages and to leave comments about what the class have been doing.
We have a policy in school on the use of photographic and video images on the school website and on Twitter. If you want your child's photograph to be included you will need to complete the permission form for consent of use.
Every morning we open our school doors at 8.40am from UFS to Year 6. School officially begins at 8.50am, however we believe that by opening our door early, children can get a cracking start to the school day!
Children enter school at their own classroom doors. Every morning a member of staff from your child's class will be at the classroom door. They are available for a quick chat if you need to update them on any illness, incidents, leaning or if arrangements for the child for that day have changed in anyway.
Speaking to the class teacher should be a parents first step if they need to discuss any aspect of school. The class teacher knows your child best and can support parents in the first instance. The leader of each Key Stage should be the parent's next staff member to speak to in case of additional queries.
Morning work occurs in all classes from 8.40am to 9am.
Gates to the entrance doors will be locked at 9am to safeguard the school grounds.
Children arriving after 9am are considered as arriving late for school. They must enter through the main entrance accompanied by parents who will need to complete their electronic registration.
Each class strives to have full attendance throughout the school week. Please support our goal of a minimum of 97% attendance for your child.