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Explore, Discover, Dream

We pledge that we will:

For all young people

  • Be trained, be professional, be appropriately checked and know what to do if you need help and support

  • Listen to you and always take what you say seriously

  • Make sure we have considered your safety when we are working with you or you are in our care

  • Involve you in decisions about how things are done whenever we can

  • Make sure you know how to report any type of concern

  • Get to know you, understand you and respect you

  • Be able to talk to you in private if that’s what you want

  • Make sure that clear guidance about how safeguarding works and what should happen in a safeguarding issue is always available and explained to you

  • Ask for your feedback about how we’re doing and always try to improve


For young people at risk of abuse, bullying, exploitation or neglect

  • Try our best and do all that we can to keep you safe

  • Make sure that the person supporting you is helping you in the right way and acting in your best interests

  • Take care of information about you, share it carefully and appropriately and only to help keep you and other people safe

  • Know when there is a choice of things that can be done, make sure you understand those choices and respect your wishes

  • Make sure things happen when they should and always make your safety our priority

What to do if you are worried

If something is worrying you it is important to talk to someone you trust. In the Wakefield District if you are worried about your safety or the safety of a friend or family member, you can call Social Care Direct on 0345 8 503 503 where specially trained staff will listen to you and provide support, or you can talk to an adult you trust for example:

  • A youth worker

  • A doctor

  • A social worker

  • A teacher

  • A school nurse

  • A police officer

You can also get advice from: - national website and confidential helpline - 0800 1111 - national drugs advice website and helpline - 0800 123 6600 - for children and young people who runaway and their families. Phone or text 116 000 - national internet safety website for children, young people and parents - confidential 24 hour helpline 116 123

Wakefield Local Authority provide commissioned services for children's emotional health and well-being. This service is through Compass. Click on the logo for the service.

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Part of growing up involves learning to recognise and deal with our emotions. It is ok to feel lots of different emotions depending on what we are facing at that time. 

In life, we will come across lots of different things which we can and can not control - like in the circle of control picture. When we do feel stressed, anxious or worried, we can do activities to help us feel calm and back in control. Use some of the ideas below to practice being mindful if you ever feel worried or anxious. 

Remember to always speak to your trusted adult if you are worried about anything.

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Top Tips for Stress Busting

Keeping active and fit is one of the best things you can do! Find something that you love and add it into your routine. Netball, running, swimming, dance, football.

Turnoff your devices! Set yourself a deadline where all devices, TV, phone, lap-tops are put away, and you choose a relaxing, mindful activity before bed. 

Get creative! Mindful colouring can help you focus on a simple task and helps you unwind from the day. 

Spend time in nature. Going outdoors will really help you feel better! Go for a nature walk, plan a family bike ride or put your wellies on and jump in muddy puddles!

Talk through your day with a trusted friend or adult. Reflect on what went well, what could have gone better and set one goal for the next day.

Spend time in nature. Going outdoors will really help you feel better! Go for a nature walk, plan a family bike ride or put your wellies on and jump in muddy puddles!

Mindful Videos

Useful websites

health for kids.webp
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