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Starting school, or moving from one school to another can be a worrying time for both parents and children. Wakefield Local Authority aim to make the school admissions process as painless and trouble free as they can. If problems do arise, for example, if the LA cannot offer your child a place at the school you want, the School Admissions Team will discuss alternatives with you and provide you with details of the appeals arrangements including the timetable for organising and hearing appeals.  


The school admission number for Dane Royd is 45. Thid means we can admit up to 45 children in each cohort of our school, with children being taught in classes of 30 from Years 1 to 6. This means there is a split class in each key stage; this is based on date of birth. 



How do I apply for a school place?


On this page is a link to the Wakefield Council webpage that deals with admissions to Dane Royd school for Reception through to Year 6 children, this is who you should contact to apply for a place for your child at Dane Royd.


Below are links to the Wakefield Council Admissions Policy for the years ahead.  The school admission number for Dane Royd is 45. This means we can admit up to 45 children in each cohort within our school.










The Governing Body is responsible for part-time admissions to the school’s Early Years Foundation Stage and agrees to follow the Early Years Part-time Admissions Policy set by Wakefield Council.

Parents with children of Nursery age should contact Dane Royd School directly regarding admission to Nursery. Please click on the Early Years Policy link for more information. 

The Early Years Admission Policy is currently being updated.

Parents who register their children for our school nursery should complete any changes to address in writing, completing an up to date form.


My child is starting school for the first time. What do I need to do?

We encourage parents to visit Dane Royd prior to application for a school place in any year group. Visits to the school are warmly welcome. You will be given a tour of the whole school r and are encouraged to ask all the questions that you have.


Mrs Marriott is our Admissions Officer based in the school office. 


Please speak to any member of the school office on 01924 242 917  to arrange a visit.

 The Local Offer was first introduced in the Green Paper (March 2011) as a local offer of all services to support disabled children and children with SEN and their families.  This easy to understand information will set out what is normally available in schools to help children with lower-level SEN as well as the options available to support families who need additional help to care for their child.


To visit the Wakefield Council Local Offer website click on this link

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